Noga Norozi

Anniversary Card

For my second anniversary with my partner, I decided to make a handmade anniversary card for him (well, more for me) with an illustration that captures the moment we first met.

Project Details

Quick Overview

My partner and I met in a park in our city, so I felt it was important to include it in the card, which is why you can see it on the outside part. Since we both share a love for acrobatics, our first conversation started (well, I started it) when I asked him about his parallettes, and that’s how it all began, so naturally, I had to include them and give them a place of honor.


Illustrator | Photoshop

The Vision

I aimed for a realistic illustration of the two of us, from the point of view of someone else, like a scene from a movie or as if someone were capturing us from the side so we could relive the moment we met as it truly was.

The Final Card

Next One


A smart food inventory app using weight-sensitive pads to track products in real time, providing alerts and shortage predictions to reduce waste.


Concept | Research | Branding | UX | UI

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